I had a moment when I thought ‘why have I spent 2 decades dying my hair so I can look the same as I always have?’

The grey revolution had started to creep into my consciousness. I was way passed thinking a trip to the hairdressers was a treat, a bit of me ‘me time’, It was taking up far too much of my time!

I had progressed from every 6 weeks in the salon to every 2 weeks at home and I was getting serious back ache leaning over the bath every 14 - 17 days (21 days was far too long) sploshing about in mucky hair dye!

So here are my reasons for embracing the grey:

·        Right now, grey is a colour (loads of male and female media ‘stars’ are giving it ago)

·        I bang on about ageism so why am I practicing it on myself?

·        I want a new fresh version of myself

·        Toxic chemicals are never a good idea

I’m six months in and this is what I have learnt:

·        It’s a thing! A revolution, and there are so many amazing and beautiful women doing it too

·        I feel liberated and empowered and I don’t feel like a hag

·        Its not low maintenance (but it is easier)

·        It is vital to find the right hairdresser prepared to commit with you. I think I would have caved if I had gone  full-on badger.    @#fourlondon

·        You must maintain tip top condition, it’s the difference between looking like a mad old hippy or a stylish liberated, relevant woman.

·        The rest of you becomes higher maintenance! Lipstick, earrings, and general grooming are no longer optional they are essential!