If like me your mood has been dipping and you are feeling slightly powerless,  one of the things you can take ownership of is how you look every day.

‘Why bother’ you may be saying, ‘nobody can see me, and it all feels a bit shallow whilst so many people are so much worse off right now’. But studies show our mood can be substantially affected depending on what we wear. Likewise, how we feel upon waking can affect our choice of outfit and subsequent moods.

Here’s some things I have done over the past week to ‘reboot my mood and they have really worked!

·       Set a time to be dressed by everyday and stick to it

·       Choose an outfit that flatters your shape, DO NOT  resort to baggy and comfortable just because nobody is looking

·       Avoid black at all costs inject and a pop of colour

·       Add an accessory

·       Wear proper shoes

·       Get out your favourite summer outfit, make sure is it is in peak condition (washed, ironed) and leave somewhere visible  it so it will give a pop of joy imagining yourself wearing it somewhere lovely when we can go ‘out out’ again!

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